The Absolute (lat. Absolutus) — unconditional, unlimited, perfect, eternal, immutable foundational principle of the world, the origin of all existence that is thought of as whole, universal, having no start and no end and that is opposed to all the relative and conditioned existence.
Affixing — an image of the solution, emphasising the most important shape, step six of the Basic Algorithm. Completion of the graphical, irrational part of the work.
Amplification — a Gestalt therapy technique, an intentional hyperbolisation of experiences, sensations, dreams of a person. An over-exaggeration of feelings and emotions, dramatisation of circumstances that cause fear or discomfort within us that helps to become more aware of them.
Archetypes — unchanging states, deeply rooted in the psyche, representatives of the mythical layer.
Archetyping (Large Shapes) — the step when the field of meanings, neural networks and the energetic forces of the psyche are being united.
ARL — Algorithm for Removing Limitations — the first principal algorithm of NeuroGraphica.
Basic User — the first basic level in Psychology of Creativity Institute, gives the right to apply the method for yourself.
The Basic NeuroGraphica Algorithm (The Piskarev Algorithm) — the constitution of the method, consisting of 8 steps (step seven, "Style" was added in 2022). Steps of this algorithm provide the depth of access to various psychological powers through the principles of drawing. In different NeuroGraphica artworks the use of steps of the algorithm is adapted by the author.
Case — a series of drawings on one topic. It is designed to go deeper and more in-depth to work on a personal issue, achieving and affixing the best result.
Catharsis (an emotional release) — a way of creating a composition in an ARL. In this algorithm, our tension is being "released" onto a sheet of paper.
Composition — drawing shapes and objects on a sheet of paper, specifying their scale, distance between them and the way they are integrated.
Correlation — a relationship between two or several variables. It reflects an approximated relationship and doesn’t give precise answers. When one variable increases or decreases, the other also changes.
Dehumanisation — actions aimed at denying that subject belongs to the human race and depriving them of human rights.
Field Lines — step five of the Basic Algorithm. They follow the lines that already exist on the drawing, sometimes creating a new path. They amplify (increase the amount and the quality of energy used in work) and carry the solution to space. They are the strongest lines of forces of nature, a connection with spiritual energy and higher powers.
Immanence — the opposite of transcendence: it means either inherence, an inner connection of some object's property with the object itself, or the fact that the object is knowable through personal experience.
Individuation — becoming a separate entity. The process of coming to selfhood.
Instructor — the highest level of education in Psychology of Creativity Institute. It gives the right to use the method for yourself, use it in your professional practice, teach the method and the principal algorithms.
Integration (from lat. integratio - "recovering", "bringing together") — the process of uniting the parts into a whole. In NeuroGraphica it is achieved using steps three and four of the Basic Algorithm. This is conjoining (step three), shape and background (step 4.1) and archetyping (step 4.2).
Kenotype — representative of an egregore at the level of collective unconscious.
Neural circuit — a group of neurons containing all aspects of a defined topic.
NeuroBionica (Psychosomatic coaching) — the first school of Psychology of Creativity Institute.
NeuroColour — painting in the neuro-context.
NeuroDesign (Analytical coaching) — the third school of Psychology of Creativity Institute
NeuroDynamica (Existential coaching) — the fourth school of Psychology of Creativity Institute.
Neurogenesis — a multi-stage process of forming new nerve cells in a mature Central Nervous System, which is its adaptive function.
NeuroGestalt — a scientific theory and practice of working with the future, delivered in the four coaching schools of Psychology of Creativity Institute.
NeuroGraphica © (neurographic arts, neurographics, neurographic drawing) — proprietary name of the method, a copyright-protected brand. Asset #1. A scientific method that unites philosophy, laws of psychical dynamics and unique graphical techniques and algorithms that enable a person to interact with their inner world, the environment and the world at large.
Neurographic Alphabet — consists of the shapes of a graphical alphabet: a circle, a triangle and a square that reflect states, and a neurographic line that connects all elements and reflects the shape and quality of the process.
NeuroGraphica (Neurographica Aesthetic coaching) — the second school of Psychology of Creativity Institute.
NeuroGraphica Aesthetic coaching — an educational programme based on a unique concept of aesthetic intelligence that includes unique conceptual algorithms of Neurographica, aimed at solving personal and group tasks through the laws of beauty and the acquisition of unique aesthetic experience.
The Neurographic Line (The Piskarev Line) — asset #2. The main graphical asset of the method. The line is a projection of thinking onto the drawing plane. Neurolines express various aspects of power (personal, social, spiritual). Precise definition: a neurographic line does not repeat itself on any part of its movement, and we lead it to where we don't expect to see it.
Neurographic pattern — the principle of integration (Piskarev principle), a special unique technique of conjoining, rounding, conjugating lines, shapes, objects, that lies in organising neural connections by rounding the corners, formed by intersections.
Neuroplasticity — a scientific concept that unites all the ideas, technologies and approaches that can stimulate brain plasticity, thus altering the configuration of neural connections, affecting a subject's life.
A Noumenon (greek) — an opposite to phenomenon; a philosophical term, in Kantian philosophy meaning the same as "a thing in itself", essence of an object unknowable by experience, but only by the mind.
Paradigm Analysis Method — an original method of mapping stages of development of the essence of the world, its individual parts. It consists of four principal stages, inherent to all the objects of human culture and his physical environment. It is regulated by a unique scheme of interaction between the stages of development.
Persona — an archetype representing a social image that the person implements, adhering to the requirements by the society. A public face of the person, perceived by those surrounding him. Persona might conceal painful parts, vulnerability and weakness and also the essence of a person's self.
Personality — human being as a subject of social relationships and conscientious activity in terms of information processing, symbolisation, forming impressions and accumulating the energy of the motive for actions in the social realm.
Phenomenology — one of the philosophical disciplines or movements in the history of philosophy. Study of structures of experience or consciousness. Phenomenology is literally the study of "phenomena", things as they appear in our experience, or ways of experiencing them, therefore the meanings that these things carry within our experience. Phenomenology studies conscious experience, experienced subjectively or from the first-person perspective.
Pyramid of Consciousness — the Author’s model of human psychic reality that illustrates its profound structure. It consists of 8 levels of energy and consciousness. It illustrates the depth of work of various steps of the basic algorithm.
Reduction (philosophy) — a way of dividing phenomena according to a certain principle, into constituent parts, forming a certain scheme. An attempt to explain complex phenomena with laws, inherent to more simple ones.
The Self (selfhood) — an archetype, defined by two stages of cognition: Elements, constitutional properties and qualities of the world. The Absolute, the whole, indivisible and infinite.
Self-reflection in Neurographica — 4 aspects of mindfulness practice:
- Visual (external — observing the algorithm, internal — observing your mind).
- Emotional.
- Relating to bodily sensations.
- Meanings and interpretations.
Recorded in journal or a notebook: date, topic, description according to the steps of the Basic Algorithm.
Specialist — the first professional level in Psychology of Creativity Institute. It gives the right to apply the method for yourself, use it in practice, and present the method without the right of teaching it.
Structure of Personality — a complex of psychical elements and their relationships that came to be during human development, defining his or her choices and behaviour in society.
Style — step seven of the method constitution, the Basic Algorithm. Introduced by the author of Neurographica in 2022.
Supervisor — an instructor who went through a practical internship in PCI, who has learned the guidelines for communication with the student and ways of analysing students' drawings.
Ten Principles of NeuroGraphica:
- Image integrates meanings.
- Meanings contain states of mind.
- A problem is a product of the mind.
- The solution has bionic quality.
- Harmony leads to satisfaction.
- The universe fits on a tip of a marker.
- Any task has a graphical solution.
- Drawing has no boundaries.
- The world is made up of shapes and lines.
- Drawing is easy.
Theory of the Metamodern — an integrative theory of humanitarian knowledge. A scientific theory of Pavel Piskarev, synthesising properties and qualities of different eras of civilisation development, the essence of the world and its different parts: from deep past to the distant future.
Transcendence — crossing of a boundary between two dissimilar realms in a broad sense, especially the crossing from the realm of this world to the otherworldly realm, transcendental realm.