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Graphical Alphabet. History of the origins of shapes

Graphical Alphabet Basics Symbols and shapes have been used by humans to communicate since the dawn of time. Initially, these were images of objects that were visible to the human eye, from which entire images with a profound narrative meaning were assembled. Even today, scientists examine ancient petroglyphs with interest and treat them as if they were precious jewels in a crown. Then people invented letters and used them to create words. Books began to appear. People have invented a wide range of methods for communicating information, feelings, and emotions throughout history. Fine art, sculpture, music, architecture, ballet, and more are all available. Some methods have gained popularity, while others have faded away at various points in time. Then everything changed, and then everything changed again. Today, the most common and understandable way of communicating information is through the use of letters in writing or phonemes, i.e. syllables, in spoken language. Phonemes, also known as syllables, are the smallest units of verbal language.

How does information flow in this environment? Someone says something. The other person hears it with their ears. The information is then transmitted to the brain, where it is decoded. A long and unfamiliar word may be misheard in the end. This is also true of the speaker. When he speaks the word, he may simply get the syllables mixed up.

Neurographica® is also a language, but it is a linear one rather than a discrete one. What does the term "linear language" imply? It means that all the fragments in it are linked to one another. Because you do not have to link everything together in your head, the code appears as a single unit. Everything is already linked and follows a single plot line.

The graphical alphabet has only four characters. But that is not to say that this language is limited. Neurographic images communicate a wide range of feelings, emotions, and information. The information contained in a single picture half the size of a landscape page can be used to write a novel that will be published in several volumes.

Which symbols are included in the graphical language? Circle, square, triangle, neurographic line.

Neurographica® contains psychological information. It is not to be confused with decorative art. Every drawing, like every text, has its own subject. If Neurographica® is a language, neurographic pictures are texts with a rich content depth. According to Pavel Piskarev, he would only classify something as art if it contained a psychic component. Classical painters painted what they saw in their surroundings: people, objects, events, and natural phenomena. Their works, however, did not reflect the full reach of the artist's personal experience. Sure, we can say that different artists show the same thing in different ways, depending on how they see it. Neurographica® differs in that the artist is completely focused on his feelings, experiences, and sensations that arise in him as the subject of the drawing. He does not copy what he sees from the outside, but rather draws an image from the depths of his consciousness, and occasionally from his subconscious. One might wonder how such depth can be reflected by only four symbols. In a nutshell. Each symbol conveys a distinct message. In graphic writing, the size of the symbols, their num

ber, and their arrangement are all critical. In Neurographica®, it is also the linking of different symbols with one another that is important. The symbols of the graphical alphabet are capable of capturing the full range of human experience. Graphical Alphabet Elements Circle, triangle and square are the basic elements of consciousness. The circle stands for consciousness, the triangle for emotions and the square for the body.

Circle The graphical alphabet begins with the circle. It denotes harmony and integrity.

What images come to mind when we think of the circle? First and foremost, there is the Sun, our guiding light, without whom planet Earth would be devoid of life. Even ancient people who could not read or write and did not have the same developed speech as us paid attention to the bright yellow circle in the sky that appeared and disappeared at regular intervals. When they went hunting, it guided them. It defined the days and nights. The sun warmed and comforted the cavemen.

The Moon is the circle's second symbol. The moon's image is not constant, but changes all the time – this is part of the moon's allure and beauty. The moon's constancy can be found in its mystery, softness, tenderness, and reflected light.

Everything sacred, divine, all-encompassing, and faultless is linked to the circle in the minds of humans. It is the mother's womb as well as the saints' halo. This, too, is the mother's breast. It is a state of inner harmony. It represents unity and harmony. Likewise, it is a wellspring of power and vitality.

Whenever in doubt, draw a circle out of it.

The spiral and the egg shape are also noteworthy when it comes to the circle. These two shapes are not included in the Neurographica® graphical alphabet. Spirals have played an important role in evolution, but they also give the illusion of future expectations when drawn. We do not use illusions or obvious symbols in Neurographica®. An egg's shape is very archetypal. It is linked to the birth of something new. If you have an egg instead of a circle in your neurographic drawing, please know that something is about to happen, something about your drawing subject will manifest. This is most likely the only understandable form permitted during the affixing stage.

When it comes to symbols, any of them can be broken down into three simple shapes: a circle, a triangle, and a square. Triangle Triangles appear in our work when the subject at hand needs to change. It is more about movement and development than it is about harmony – something that is always associated with inner conflict, with the need to let go of something old in order to embrace something new.

Only those with special training and knowledge of how to control their states are allowed to work with triangles in Neurographica®.

A triangle is regarded as a hazardous shape. When people think of it, they think of knives, animal fangs and horns, glass splinters, thorns, bayonets, and other sharp objects. For some, it is a punishment corner in the room. Others can not stand it when the edge of a knife points at them at the dinner table. They are always turning it away from them.

Triangles appeared in the lives of the first humans when they came into contact with predators. Human consciousness became aware of the potential dangers of the environment. We can see evidence of this in cave paintings. Animals with horns, fangs, or claws are frequently depicted in such a way that these features are the first to be noticed.

Triangles, in addition to representing danger, also symbolize leadership qualities and subjectivity. Triangles can help you get back on track if something in your life has come to a halt. It is critical to recognize that any change involves internal conflicts and contradictions, because old beliefs and habits do not want to die. As a matter of fact, you do not put new patches on old jeans, and you do not pour new wine into old wine bags either, do you?

The growth zone is always in a place of internal conflict, i.e. not in your usual comfort zone.

What exactly is the distinction between a scandal and an internal conflict? A scandal occurs when the energy of conflict builds up to the point where the person is no longer able to keep it inside and is unable to maintain a calm tone when dealing with another person or group of people. Here, love and harmony are out of the question. They have been fully discharged. Aggressiveness has built up all around.

A person is in dialogue with himself or herself during an internal conflict. His emotions have no effect on other people. He determines for himself what he dislikes, what he wishes to change, and what he is willing to do to improve. How can a triangle be made less dangerous and sharp-edged? In Neurographica®, there is a rule:

The solution has a bionic quality.

The triangle in the drawing is just a logical shape as long as its edges are linear and straight. When we neurograph it, that is, outline it with neurographic lines, we endow it with a bionic, or living, form. The shape transforms into a living cell of some organism, which is the subject of our drawing. The neurographic line is used to soften the triangle corners and make the edges less strained. The brain perceives a light, bionic, lively shape more easily and safely. How does triangle power manifest itself? Everything depends on how you draw it. As long as you are drawing sluggishly and cautiously with trembling hands in fear of crooked lines, you will end up with crooked lines. The triangle will be the same, crooked and clinging to everything in your path. In real life, this can show up as your subject's development not being smooth and even, but rather bumpy. Triangles should be drawn with a steady hand and a clear mind, with a clear understanding of why you are doing it and why you need these changes in your life. The drawing's firmness of intention reflects the firmness of your real-world actions. Square A square represents stability, resilience, and permanence. Besides, it is a representation of man himself. A square tells us that we should try to keep something. Not for nothing are all safes square, rather than round or triangular. Nothing on our planet cares more about stability than man. Nature is constantly in motion. Only man requires a stable job, a stable home, and a stable living situation. Man's confidence in the future and peace of mind are bolstered by stability and permanence. When it comes to evolution, the square was the last of all shapes to come into being. It was back in the day when people began to construct their own homes rather than relying on natural caves and grottos. The square was linked to a house, a stone, a labour tool, and supremacy.

The square provides man with power and an advantage over other creatures. It means that man is no longer interacting with the world with his bare hands, but is armed with something.

Neurographic line and rounding principle The neurographic line is yet another element of the graphical alphabet. It is the main component of all Neurographica® art. Neurographica® is distinguished from all other art forms by the smoothing principle, or simply rounding.

A line connects all the elements of a drawing, and the interlinking principle holds them all together in a unified whole.

Details on the neurographic line will be covered in greater depth in a subsequent article. Stay tuned for updates.


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