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Moving from General to Particular

The content of the article:

  • Moving from General to Particular

  • How the General- Particular rule relates to Neurographica

  • What is more important: periphery or center?

  • Mass distribution of shapes on the sheet = perception

  • Human situation

  • Moving from particular to general

  • Moving from general to particular

  • Conclusion


Moving from General to Particular

A person's worldview is of a very great importance. For example, a well-known conundrum: the glass is half empty or half full. That is how events unfold, meetings take place,

relationships build and the whole life path depends upon this.

The same applies to one’s professional activity, what a person prefers: movement from a general idea to the detailed development, or begin to paste one idea to another, and then another, thus creating a general cluster image of activities.

Moving from general to particular determines 90% of an enterprise success.

How the General-Particular rule relates to Neurographica.

What is more important: periphery or center?

When we look at an image, it generally occupies 70 to 80 percent of the total space of the sheet or canvas. Even if we do not realize this, we still perceive this image as harmonious.

Although it is difficult to perceive a picture in which a million small details are stuck on top of each other, the brain cannot perceive some lonely elements within a large space. One starts to realize that something is missing.

What do you start to look at first? To the center of the picture or to its periphery? What are you trying to see better? Do you consider the periphery useless and only the center important?

By the way, did you know that the organization of the periphery determines the success of the center?

For example, a clever guy against the background of a fool will look more impressively. But if it's his constant environment, then the question arises, is he really smart? A competent businessman will surround himself with people smarter and more capable than himself.

For example, in the book "Poor Dad, Rich Dad" rich dad didn't know much himself. But his business environment consisted of the highest quality specialists, who were also devoted to him because he knew how to build strong and trustful relationships with them. Therefore, the periphery is no less important than the center.

A person tends to put in the center exactly what is more important for oneself. But qualitatively organized periphery enables one to perceive the Whole picture as a Whole, without dividing it into parts.

How does this relate to Neurographica and composition images in general?

Mass distribution of shapes on the sheet = person’s perception of the situation.

The way a person distributes figures on a sheet, is determined by how one perceives the situation, and the goal, which underlies the neurographic pattern.

If the figures are chaotically scattered, then in one’s head, the person has no order on this topic. If there are few pieces, hence, the train of thought is not developed. If there are many figures, and they are on top of each other, that means that a person's head reigns chaos regarding this topic.

Competent distribution of figures on the sheet gives an understanding of how much a person has in the past, in the future, and in the present. And how this compares to one another.

In Neurographica we do not knowingly create famous composition. Our images are mystical by nature, it is something that manifests itself from the emptiness of the paper, as if by itself. You never know, what will happen in the end. But nevertheless, it is always important, to have a clear idea of ​​the Goal that I want to achieve, such as to achieve the harmony of family relations between all the members, or harmony for a whole professional team. The clear Goal allows to subconsciously distribute the figures in the best possible way.

Having an idea of ​​the Whole, we harmoniously stretch the composition over the entire plane of the paper. If this does not work right away, then there are more problems within the topic that needs to be resolved first, using the Algorithm for Removing Limitations (ARL) and determine the direction of development using Revealing of Intention (ROI) Algorithm.

The work should seem finished at any moment.

Moving from Particular to General

Let's now turn to a real example within the drawing. Remember how children draw people. The paper has one large head and as appendages - arms and legs. This is a prime example of going from Particular to General. The child does not think about drawing a person as a Whole. The child starts with what comes to the head. It can be both the head and the legs. The drawing is purely spontaneous. Then other important details of the whole figure may not fit or they will be slapped very deformed. Now transfer that knowledge to building a business. What will be the result?

Such a "businessman" will grab onto the first idea in the head without realizing what exactly he wants from his activities as a result. In his head there is only one obsession - money and more, right now. He just goes with a flow, starting one thing and then another. Gradually what he creates does not fit into his idea of life. “But I wanted something different, not like that. I don't like this. I'm kind of tired of my business. It's time to sell". Fatigue comes because all of the elements of his business are not related to each other in any way. They look like a chaoticly scattered figures on a paper.

After a long time a really worthwhile idea comes, yet there is no energy or desires to get the idea working. This is how composition goes from Particular to General.

Relationships between people in the modern world are also a lot like moving from Particular to the General. How are couples created? They meet suddenly, spontaneously. The likes each other. They go out. Suddenly, there is an urge to get married. But he suddenly, does not want to marry.

So the girl starts to think something up, something sophisticated, so that the guy would marry her. Love, of course, is a non-linear thing, still such a relationship might not have a future, as it is completely spontaneous. And no one knows what it will lead to. Serious relationship starts with an understanding of the big picture: why am I meeting this guy, or this girl. If it is for a serious relationship, then, you would agree, that the behavior model and simulated situations will be quite different from a desire to just spend a few days together.

Moving from General to Particular

So how do professionals work? Serious and eventually successful people immediately imagine their whole life and

the final image of their business. On a piece of paper, it looks like a rough outline of the entire future image. That is, the artist sets the scale for the future composition.

All of the necessary elements are placed within the outline. When a person imagines the big picture, of what elements it consists of, then it is easy to correlate all the elements with each other and correctly place on the paper so that they complement and supported each other.

Imagining the big picture immediately gives an understanding, which elements will be large and which

should be made smaller. The ratio of figures on paper, is the ratio of aspects of a person's life and his activities with each other so that he feels happy each and every moment. Such people are called strategic.

Life is a project.

The way we treat a project determines will we be happy right now and at the end.

Pavel Piskarev talks about himself:

- Personally, I live strategically. If something does not fit into my strategic plan, then it is not an object of my thoughts. For me it is fundamentally important, and a part of my personal training, to make sure that happenings are a part of my life composition. When something happens I ask myself, which composition of my life does this belong to. As a result I lead several cases for life events. Compositions for health, family happiness, and so on. These are strategies, and life is a project.

Someone might say that this is total control, which leaves no place for creativity. And that may feel threatening. However if one looks at it from a different aspect, it is exactly the opposite. Control is when a person controls everything so much the nothing in life happens. He blocks everything with his total control.

But creativity is like an architect, first imagine how the structure looks in the future, and then construct it step by step within one’s reality. Will it be a gothic castle or an analog of a Soviet canteen, a temple, or a street cart. This is pure creativity. And implementation of the finished project is also a creative act when each and every element goes in the right place. When each brick is counted by a project. That is the beauty.

Modern life allows a wide variety of options and compositions. Both in life and in art. But when we are talking about managing your project, your life and even the world around you, then it is always important to see the frame from the very beginning, the big picture: how it would look in the end.

One of the Neurographica school student relayed this experience:

- When I start to knit or sew something, I never I know will happens. I never have a clear representation of what I want to get as a result. There is a hint, for example, it would be a dress or a jacket. But the details are not thought through. As a result, i absolutely always have to redo and fix a dozen times. And sometimes I even throw it away. That was before I met Neurographica. When I learned from the composition about moving from General to Particular, my needlework took on a completely different look. And even friends began to ask to make something for them.


The success of the project depends on the harmony of the composition. Each and every one of the many details determines the final result. The more elements I can fit on a paper and connect into a single composition, the more I am able to manage complex systems in life.

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