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Neurographica : Algorithm for Removing Limitations

Neurographica is an innovative method of transforming the human thinking process and achieving goals through creativity.

The first thing that novice Neurographica users discover is the Algorithm for Removing Limitations. The exciting journey of learning the method and acquiring the skills to apply it with maximum results begins with ARL.

Anyone who gets to know new tools wants them to bring only the best results and profit in the broadest sense of the word.

On the vastness of the World Wide Web today you can find many open lessons on Neurographica, in which the Algorithm for Removing Limitations (ARL) is only mentioned.

But why is the ARL not widely accessible to the public? What is ARL, and what are its features? What does it give to those who use it, and what are the safety techniques in working with it? Let's start the discovery of the Algorithm for Removing Limitations - step by step.

Overview of the Algorithm for Removing Limitations (ARL)

The Algorithm for Removing Limitations opens the way for serious application of Neurographica for the successful transformation of one’s thinking and improving one’s quality of life. ARL consists of seven steps, each guiding the artist through levels of consciousness and subconsciousness, down to the Absolute. This is a rather deep simultaneous work of the mind, body and soul, which should be experienced only under the strict guidance of the qualified Instructor. This work requires following safety techniques and carefully observing your body and mind reactions while drawing. The very name of the algorithm speaks for itself. It is designed to work specifically with personal limitations, and those always stir negative emotions within a person. The difference is within the level of manifest to the world. This practice removes obstacles in problem-solving, breaks stereotypes and patterns of thinking, and creates new pathways in decision-making. Neurographica is NOT in any way a therapeutic practice, but ARL, in this sense, can be called an exception. That is the reason Algorithm for Removing Limitations cannot be found in the public domain.

Let's go through all the steps of the ARL and see where each of them leads us.

The start is setting the topic. Since this algorithm is directly related to limitations, it is important to define the topic or theme (of the drawing) correctly. Otherwise, there is a risk of hurting oneself, increasing the negative impact . Not every person is capable and ready to cope with the wave of strong negative emotions that might rise while drawing ARL. The strength of emerging emotions depends upon the degree of problematicity of the topic. Therefore, the correct formulation of the drawing theme is very important. It so happens that in case the topic does not evoke strong emotions, the drawing leaves the person indifferent. Sometimes people just threw the drawing, realizing that they did not need this topic at all.

A correctly formulated theme impacts the person on a moderate level - it raises emotions, activates bodily reactions and leads to insights that are tolerable for the psyche and emotional health of the practitioner.

The second step is catharsis, or commonly called, the outburst. This is where everything that has accumulated over the years can come out. Instructors who have been practicing Neurographica for several years have seen cases when the client was so disturbed by the topic, had such a strong emotional reaction that they had to draw the outbursts for 10-15 attempts before they could continue - because the pages have been torn and damaged, and it was impossible to draw upon them. But this happens very rarely. If the topic is correctly set and the problem is not neglected, the catharsis comes out moderate within its size and in the number of line angles. It's easy to work with it.

What is this catharsis anyway? It is the concentration of our feelings, emotions and thoughts, as well as bodily experiences on some topic. The best way to learn how to work with catharsis is under the guidance of a qualified Instructor.

If a person is a beginner in Neurographica and have not been trained, and is going to draw with a friend or relatives, or an acquaintance who have completed only the Neurographica User course, choose themes that are emotionally light enough.

Next comes the Rounding and Smoothing work.

This point can be called a balm for the soul, since when the corners are rounded, the acute perception of the indicated problem is smoothed out. This step of this algorithm is the most important after the correct formulation of the topic. This means that in other algorithms, which can be studied in the professional courses, this step is also present but not of such importance as in ARL. In the Algorithm for Removing Limitations, rounding and smoothing is included in the mandatory safety rules. Every crossing of lines is a potential internal conflict, so it needs to be rounded as part of internal harmonization and the creation of new ways to solve the problem.

The next four steps are connecting the person’s goal with the social area and taking one into the depths of the subconscious, up to the Absolute. Correctly performed work and well-designed restrictions on each step of the algorithm ultimately lead to a relief, pacification, joy, inspiration and confidence that the issue will be resolved in one’s favor.

Safety precautions in the Algorithm for Removing Limitations

The safety precautions while working with the Algorithm for Removing Limitations have already been mentioned above. Let's summarize.

Neurographica users, in order to obtain the benefit of the method, must learn how to choose, or set the goal correctly. This and other features in the theme setting for ARL are studied in detail on the Neurographica Basic User course.

Secondly, you should remember an important safety rule for the ARL: until you round up every intersection, you cannot leave. This is the foundation of the method. Therefore, it is important to choose the place and set the proper time for working with ARL.

Sometimes there are situations in a person's life when help or solutions are not particularly needed, but one just really wants to cry something out, or let it go. In this case, one can do the outburst on the paper - anywhere on the page, and just throw the paper away. Don’t cling to your “negative energy” spreading around. Just tell your brain that this is just a piece of paper and throw it away.

But when a person is really ready to solve a situation and bring harmony to the particular area of one’s life, then we recommend getting serious, carefully choose the place and the time. And start drawing.

Yes, all those safety precautions should not be forgotten while drawing the ARL.

And yes, a person also needs to be careful when adding sharp shapes - triangle, for example

The Application of the ARL

"Well, here, you scared me ", - someone will say - "now I will not touch your Algorithm, it sounds dangerous". Wait! Do not hurry. Let's take a look at the benefits of using ARL.

Yes, the work of an artist making a drawing according to ARL is not easy. The removal of someone’s psychological restrictions, which might have originated far away in one’s past and even in their ancestor’s life is not instantaneous, and it is the one purpose of the algorithm.

The other purpose is to lead an artist to a state of satisfaction and reassurance regarding the chosen topic. Can someone do it in everyday life - just think of the issue, draw the lines, and let it go? Solve the problem? Be at ease with it? We say yes.

This is where the Algorithm for Removing Limitations helps people. It consistently guides an artist through the steps that allow him to look at the situation from different angles, often from unusual angles, and find the best solution.

So, removing one’s limitations, bringing one’s soul to a state of satisfaction and reassurance about the chosen topic, the opportunity to look at the situation from different angles and find the best solution - for this it is worth going to learn how to apply this method in daily life.

For the acknowledgments and opinions about the method, we suggest you read the reviews of Neurographica users about the use of ARL and the changes they’ve experienced as a result of following its steps.

If you still have questions, you can find contacts of our specialists or a page on social networks and find out what interests you.

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