Possibilities of Neurographica. Part 2.
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Possibilities of Neurographica. Part 2.


Change your relationships with other people

When a person is seriously looking for transformation, he or she takes part in different kinds of practices and tries out various techniques. Regardless of the practice, if it is done regularly and for a sufficient time, inevitably it leads to results. There are changes in thinking and behaviour, followed by a change in the surroundings — often material aspects of life, but most important — relationships. The person who's transforming internally is often perceived differently by people in his life.

Unfortunately, sometimes their attitude changes for the worse, and that person becomes misunderstood or mistreated. In return, this person might call them "narrow-minded". Transformation of your relationships with people, especially ones close to you, can be a painful experience. The Algorithm for Removing Limitations (ARL) and the NeuroMandala algorithm can help with going through this. ARL helps with removing specific limitations, whereas NeuroMandala aids in shaping inner harmony.

In fact, our environment changes in response to our changing attitudes towards it. For example, I want my son to succeed. However, this might also mean that at the moment I regard him as a failure. This means I will have to change my perspective on my son and learn to see him as successful right now. And even though we cannot forcefully change people around us, what we can change is the way we think about them, our attitude. After working on our own attitude, as if by magic, some people in our life gradually transform, while others move to the background, disappearing. It happens often, and it is actually quite natural.

If we are talking about drawings and our inner landscapes, a hostile attitude is best expressed by sharpness, by thorns or needles that look like they could hurt you. Presence of such shapes on the sheet might make it hard to create a positive impression. This sharpness and the subconscious danger associated with it is going to interfere with your aesthetic impression. That's why we use circular shapes and make our drawings soft when we start out. Sometimes we need sharpness, especially when our personality is too soft. In this case, we can use hatching, but this technique is best used by people who've had some experience working with their inner landscapes.

If we want to help others, it is important to remember that we can only help the person who has asked for our help. Help that comes uninvited, the one that is neither requested nor asked for, is against professional ethics.

Reach your goals

Goals are something that everyone has. Some people have not very practical goals, such as sitting on the sofa for the rest of their lives. Others have more ambitious, far-reaching ones. Some goals require a significant investment of time and resources, while others do not. Neurographic drawing is an art form that teaches people to express their dreams to make them actually come true. Various meditation schools assist people in accessing their subconscious minds. Sometimes it takes a long time to succeed. We do it with algorithms, and even the first drawing can have a lot of depth, even though it takes only a couple of hours.

A case, or a series of drawings is a concept in Neurographica where we draw several drawings on the same topic until the result is achieved. The most intriguing part is that we do not have to remember where we left off, or what we drew the last time, or think too much of where to begin. Our brains are a dynamic system, and neuroplasticity makes it change over time. We activate a pattern of neural connections, of ideas and thoughts that are relevant for us at the moment, and related to our topic.

Lines represent thoughts. The more neurographic lines we draw on a certain subject, the faster and more effectively we will reach our goal, or desired outcome, in the end. Moreover, we can use lines to monitor our own state, and to fine-tune the way we are feeling about this topic. There are different modes or frequencies our brain operates at, and we can use them to calm down or add some aliveness to our own state. This is studied in depth as part of the NeuroSketching module.

Neurographica is a practice of project facilitation. It is beneficial in achieving a variety of goals. While drawing one subject, it is not uncommon for ideas relevant for other subjects to emerge. There are always additional options available to you. They are worth writing down so that you can refer to them later. That is why it is best to work with topics as cases, or a series of drawings — to be able to reflect on your progress and notice connections between different cases.

Reveal your hidden motivations

Nowadays, there are a variety of methods for learning what your goal is. The fact that you are looking for a goal indicates that you have not found it on a conscious level yet. In fact, our goal, our destination is already set in stone, but not in our immediate surroundings, but rather deep within our unconscious. Often, we have a number of limitations that prevent us from accessing it. Our basic way of dealing with them is using an ARL (Algorithm for Removing Limitations). When these limitations are removed, when drawing becomes easy and your artworks - beautiful, you can explore further, for example, using the Algorithm for Revealing Intentions and developing a case on a specific topic.

In any circumstance, when the feeling you get from your topic and your drawing is warm, pleasant, charged with energy — answers and solutions come easily, and results are achieved. Our goals and results are great to work with using the NeurGoal Algorithm and the NeuroTimeline. They bring your individual personality and deep reaches of your soul to the surface.

Use unexpected external resources for your benefit

Some users wonder if they can listen to or watch something while drawing. On one hand, we cannot tell others what is best or worst for them, everyone's situation is unique. The quality of the result in Neurographica is defined by feelings you experience at the end of the work. Quality of our impressions of a given topic is determined by the quality of the drawing. When you enjoy this work, your brain interprets this as a signal to activate and strengthen neural connections that are currently active.

This is advantageous because what you hear during the neurographic drawing process is woven into your neural circuit. So, music you are listening to during drawing adds to your joy, and if you are in a high-energy flow state listening to it, you are welcome to keep listening. Persistent negative thoughts and feelings on the other hand, indicate that not all constraints have been removed.

Explore and transform your unconscious associations on any topic

"Writing down words in 2 minutes" is a pre-drawing exercise that activates neural connections associated with the topic. After that, it is no longer necessary to keep your mind on the topic at all times. On the contrary, it is even beneficial to explore and develop your field of associations. What does it mean for me? What does it have to do with the topic? Each of the spontaneous associations has the potential to be exciting and meaningful. That's where the most unexpected insights come from.

After the exercise, your activated neural circuits are going to get manifested on paper. Transforming your drawing, adding lines and creating new connections helps you arrive at unexpected solutions. During drawing, our thoughts and our mindset are not as important as learning to observe your inner state. That is what you must keep doing at all times.

Feel and understand yourself better

Neurographica is a practice of managing your impressions. Our feelings, emotions and thoughts all have a significant impact on how our lives unfold. We sometimes expect others to understand us, but we do not always understand ourselves. Neurographica guides us toward self-awareness. During the process of drawing, we pay attention to four areas of attention: vision / inner vision, sensations, emotions, and thoughts (the body, the soul, and the mind) vision / inner vision, sensations, emotions, and thoughts.

Occasionally, the issue is that the more educated a person is, the more in control they are. At the same time, this person might be totally disconnected from their feelings and needs. Strong control mechanisms prevent them from being who they are. Besides, it is sometimes said that emotions can be harmful. Consider the emotion of rage. One will go to any lengths to avoid or suppress this feeling. This, in turn, leads to a variety of diseases.

Neurographica suggests self-observing and self-reflecting while drawing. Being aware of our bodies and feelings, our thoughts and emotions. Gradually, we begin to understand what is going on inside us. Neurographica sessions assist us in opening up. Being aware of how you feel and staying true to it implies opening up. As time passes, your self-confidence slowly grows and you open the door to a vast ocean of emotions and experiences. Once you have learned to understand yourself, it gets much easier to choose which feelings to live through and which to let go of or transform.

Establish contact with the Self and the absolute

The basic algorithm of Neurographica is designed in such a way that each successive step of the algorithm allows you to delve deeper and deeper into your subconscious mind. All the way down to the level of the Self, the Absolute. Love flows from the bottom to the top, as it can be seen in the model of the Pyramid of Consciousness.

The Absolute provides enormous amounts of love and energy to each of us. However, due to our limitations, we cannot let this flow pass through us to the fullest. Places where we block this flow are a course of negative feelings and emotions.

Through drawing, Neurographica allows you to experience the energy of the Self, the love of the Absolute. This is the purpose of field lines. Field lines are force lines, they are also known as lines of soul. They are the energy lines of a very deep level. At the stage of drawing field lines, our egos dissolve. There is a sense of tranquillity; the soul descends into the depths.

If you encounter any resistance, it is a sign that your ego is preventing you from fully merging with the divine ocean of energy. It is similar to how the sea feels when you're diving. The closer you get to the surface, the more excited it becomes. The deeper you go, the more tranquil it is. We gain a better understanding of the depth of consciousness and our own being by connecting with the Absolute through field lines. This is what takes us to a whole new level and quality of life.

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