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Basic User Rights

                                          About Neurographica Basic User rights 

Having completed the "Basic User" course, the course participants who can prove by their drawings with full descriptions (at least 4 of them) the knowledge of the course material, the practical application to their situations and the conscious passing through all the points of the basic algorithm, will receive a certificate of Neurographica Basic User.


1. Certificate of Neurographica Basic User entitles you to:

  • To use the method for themselves, to solve their personal issues.

  • To be included in a closed Facebook group and get access to all the videos of past streams of this course conducted by the Institute, as well as access to future streams.


2. The Basic User of Neurographica may not:

  • Explain to others the techniques and methods learned in the course, as he does not have sufficient quantitative and qualitative education to do so. Only certified instructors of Psychology of Creativity Institute have the right to teach algorithms of Neurographica.

  • To include the acquired knowledge on the basic algorithm and Neurographica techniques into their professional courses, programs, as well as into individual, group or team work.

  • To use the name "Neurographica" in the titles, content, announcements of their courses, trainings, groups in social networks, announcements of any of their events.


3. The Neurographica Basic User may show his work, discuss personal results and tell other people about the method in personal conversations if he wishes.

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